Monday, June 1, 2009

Under the Sea

Note: I had to delete and re-enter this post to fix my html problems. The sad part is I lost all of your wonderful comments. :(

Under the Sea , Take Two:

Hello Sugar Friends!

I hope you had a nice holiday weekend, and that this weekend is shaping up nicely for you. I had another busy week of DVD editing, doctor appointments, end of school stuff, and cakes.

Did I mention the END OF SCHOOL? YEEE HAAW! Summer is here! No homework, no early mornings after being up half the night working. No more washing uniforms, keeping up with project deadlines, and attending boring open houses. (Oops, did I just say that? Well, I confess. I love my kids and all. But I really hate going to open house.) 12 more weeks of freedom until I have to attend another one. (Sharon squeals with delight.)

And nothing says summer more than the beach, right? Who doesn't love a nice relaxing day on the warm sand and in the cool clear water. So I thought it only fitting to usher in summer by sharing this cute little cake I just did yesterday for a sweet little boy.

Here is a scan of the treat bag the mom gave me to use for the theme:

The cake was iced in buttercream and I made all the little creatures from fondant with a bit of tylose added. (I made a back fin for the seahorse and promptly forgot to put it on. I have no idea where it is. It was so small it probably got swiped into the trash. Hate when I do that. But no worries, because our seahorse has magical powers and he can swim upright with no fins.)

I used various shaped cutters in various sizes to create the animals. I have tens of thousands of shaped cutters in all kinds of sizes. OK, I have dozens.

Air bubbles were piped buttercream dots tapped down with my finger.

The different seaweed and coral were also just formed freehand from fondant. See that brain coral? SO easy. Roll a ball and poke it a gillion times with the end of a paintbrush. Voila!

Mr. Happy Whale was also made from fondant/tylose. Probably the easiest figure I have ever modeled. I think he is so cute! I love Mr. Happy Whale. I did not want him to go with the big mean lady who came to pick him up. :(

So now that summer is officially here, I am going to put my sunscreen on, get my book, and go work on my tan.

No I am not. At least not right now. Have to get dressed to go to a "function" for hubby's job tonight. I hate functions. Just about as much as I hate open houses. (Sigh)



  1. You didnt loose mine :D I'm still here haha.
    I said something about the perfect finish of the buttercream and how I wanted this cake for my second birthday haha.
    This indeed is the cutest cake ever!
    I was also asking how did you make the bottom border waves without messing up the sides of the cake?
    oh, and I also thanked you for sharing all this precious information with us and I think I also prayed God to bless you for all the good that you do for all of us.
    God bless you with strength and health and happiness.

  2. So sorry your comments were all deleted. Let me repeat mine:

    This is the cutest cake you've ever done.

  3. The cake is precious! I love the sea life....Great Job!....but that goes without saying....Thanks for sharing all of your techniques with us!
    Hugs! RockySharon

  4. YAY! New comments! Me love comments..:)

    Thank you all and Desert Rose.... I piped the blue along the border with an open coupler and then used my tiny palette knife to spread it aorund, dipping the tip of it in white BC every once in a while. And thank you for thoser very kind words.

    Thank you all!

  5. You are welcome.and THANK YOU for explaining this neat little trick.Now i wanna make a cutesy cake like this one :D
    - Haniya.

  6. HAPPY TO REPEAT MYSELF...THE CAKE IS FABU!! Is that a word?? Love the happy sea creatures. I'm working on a cake as we speak and thinking about all of your tips!!!! I need to sit down and watch your dvd's again and again to get my cakes as perfect as yours.

  7. here s my comment again :) this is adorable! I really like it :)

  8. Still adorable!! Love the happy whale! I was afraid you'd have to delete to do it.

  9. I am wondering how you get the fondant decorations to stick so nicely to that immaculate buttercream? It seems like they would slide right off. Also, do you ever refrigerate your cakes?

  10. This cake is just tooo darn cute!!!! Your buttercream is so smooth, it looks like fondant, as usual, great job!!!! Thanks so much for sharing your work/tips with us. I'm sure your client was very pleased.

    Question, I really like the height of the layers, what size pans did you use? Great effect!

    Have a great summer!!!

  11. I'm fairly new to the cake business. Although I enjoy the end product, getting there is sometimes difficult. My skills are not yet where I want them to be. But I know...practice makes perfect. Your cakes are beautiful! What great inspiration.

  12. OMGOSH ! Sharon I love this cake, it has to be the cutest cake ever!
    I wish someone would make this cake for me, like thats ever going to happen Oh well I can dream!

  13. This is an amazing cake, love, love, love it! I want to make this for my son's second birthday although it's months away. I can't get over how cute and perfectly executed it is.
    -Ann in Bermuda

  14. Thanks evryone!

    Amanda I just a little water to stick them on... no sliding! Never fridge any of my cakes; nothing perishable used ever.

    Gayla this was a 5 and 8, and I use 1/2 inch fomecore under my tiers.

  15. Sharon,

    Thanks for the tips of using the 1/2 inch form core. One more quick question, since the bottom tier has the same effect of extra height, I'm assuming that you used 1/2 form board with it as well -- what technique do you use or recommend in order to adhere the foam board to your cake drum?

    Thanks so much, absolutely love your cakes and truly appreciate your sharing all of the wonderful tips. Can't wait to sit down and watch my Topsy Turvy DVD and try the cake and Ganache recipe.

    Thanks again.

