Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Oreo The Dog

Last night I made a cake for one of my favorite little clients. Her request was "Make Oreo like you did Remy, and lots of white icing." How cute is that?
I know that Eva loves pink and all things girly, so I added some of that to the cake was well.

Oreo is her dog. I snapped a few in progress photos. Once again, I am living proof that owning a good camera does not a good photographer make:

I printed out several pictures of dog figurines too help me do mine. First I did the basic body shape with indentations where the legs and arms will attach. I scored it up with a metal tool to give it some fur texture.

Then I added the hind legs and one front leg. Every piece starts as either a ball or a sausage, and then you refine the shape from there.

Then I realized that Oreo had white front legs, so I had to change that. I added a thin piece of white to the back paws and his chest and scored that up too. Looks like a roasted turkey to me. Or maybe I am just tired. Or hungry. (Trying to lose a few pounds before the next DVD shoot.)

Then I got so absorbed in making him and I forgot to snap pics of the making of the head. That took a little trial and error. I suck. Sorry.

He looks surprised, or scared, or maybe he had too much doggie botox.
Figure modeling is not one my strengths by any means. I was hoping he would just come out decent. If you can guess what breed of dog he is, that would make me even happier.

Oreo with his kibble. I hope Eva likes it.

And here is how I spent my Sunday:

Helping two little friends make a cake for one little sister's birthday.

I think they did a great job.

(Thanks to hubby for hanging with us and squeezing the 679 clay gun strings for us.)

Happy caking all!


  1. too cute! I love the little dog. :)

  2. Sharon, you are so great. I love these cakes. I haven't tried modeling any animals yet. Now I have a great visual! Thanks!

  3. Sharon, I recognize that breed! It's gotta be a Boston Terrier! I LOVE that breed and I have one at home! Thanks for posting you've got my wheels turning for a future cake idea!! :~)

  4. You're pretty good for somebody who sucks! Both of them are too cute! Now how about a toy cock-a-poo? -Kim

  5. Your figure modeling ROCKS!! he looks so realistic - my figures always come out looking cartoonish. Especially my "busty" ariel...hehe! whoops!

    That cake is just so stinkin CUTE!!

    I love that you helped those 2 precious girls with that cake. I made that cake a couple years ago for a friend of mine - I made her do the strings - hehe!!

  6. Love Eva's cake, so cute and you did a wonderful job on your little dog. Everything looks perfect!

    What a great way to spend a Sunday, helping the two young ladies make a cake, also nice of your hubby to help out. Tell the young ladies they did an amazing job on the cake!

  7. Sharon, this is so cute! Is there anything you can't do??
    I think your videos are stunning!
    Thank so much

  8. Both of those cakes are beautiful both full of TLC the most important ingredient!!!Congrats to you for the cute doggy and to the girls for being so such good students and teamates!!!

  9. Wow that is amazing! You said "Figure modeling is not one my strengths by any means." I would disagree, that is pure perfection!

  10. the little bowl of kibble is adorable!
    & the girls did an AMAZING job!

  11. the little bowl of kibble is adorable!
    & the girls did an AMAZING job!

  12. Adorable! What a cute little Oreo!

  13. Boston Bull Terrier - and a beautiful one at that! I would so love to be able to make one of my English Bull Terrier (the target dog). One day I will be brave enough to try!

  14. I LOVE IT! The dog turned out so cute!

  15. how cute is that! love it and yes i recognize the dog breed too, lol. oh no you do NOT suck! wow, 679 clay gun strings, *sigh* been there done that and motrin for two days for the sore hand and forearm muscles. thought i was gonna wake up looking like popeye the sailor man, lol. thanks sharon and whoo hoo can't wait for your next dvd!!

  16. Too adorable -- love your dog it looks like a Boston Terrier. You are too hard on yourself, your sculpting is WONDERFUL! Love the ball of yarn too, great job!!! Thanks for sharing.

  17. That's gotta be a Boston Terrier!! Adorable :) You are so talented! Thanks for the tips and steps on how the dog was made!

  18. What a cute little doggy! I love the cake!

  19. Oreo is totally a Boston Terrier! That is an adorable cake. The cat in the yarn is perty darned cute too.
