Judi guessed the right colors! YAY Judi!
But since we had such a great response to this contest, I did a random drawing from all of the entries and pulled 3 MORE WINNERS! YAY me!
Ann (Miss Sweetstory)
The Cake Queen
You guys need to email me at sugaredinfo@aol.com to claim your prize from the list I will provide you.
Note: Many guesses came in via email, so if you do not see a winner's name in the comment section, please do not call the contest police. I assure you there is no cheating allowed at SugarEd.
I had a lot of fun with this one, and you guys seemed to also. Some of your answers just cracked me up. We will surely do this again in the future. Thank you all for reading my blog and hanging out here with me. Love you guys!
JUST so everyone knows, it is rigged, b/c she wouldn't let ME enter. I mean, just b/c I had already seen it, and helped her decide how to make one of the colors, honestly, should that disqualify me? No matter, I'm going to claim a prize anyways!!!
your ever enduring webmaster (I would put webmistress but that sounds so dirty!!)
Oh well, I just dont understand why she would not let you enter! I mean who knows you might of even won !!LOL!
Ok, so when do we get to know how to make that cake/design all details etc?????????
I love it !
That was fun lets do it again !!!
WTG! to all winners and to you also Sharon for such a fun game!
I did enjoy seeing all the answers everyone gave and some of the color combos would really look great on a cake. I think the colors really look good together, but I feel what pulls this cake off...is how you design it with colors you were given to work with. Wonderful Job!
Now Sharon when you do another game like this make sure Heather doesn't know anything about it, so she can play also :)
Heather cannot win any prizes. I already am paying her for her work with SugarEd pens. When I order them. :)
WAIT A MINUTE!!!!! Heather gets pens!!!!!!! I think you owe me back pen pay then!!!
I love the colors on this cake, no really I do. :0)
Thanks for posting this
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