Thursday, September 25, 2008
What could they be working on?
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
I have fallen and I can't get out.
I am also learning that the food photography is just as important as the recipes themselves. The photos on many of these sites rival those seen in magazines. I have wanted to improve my cake photography skills for years now. I have a nice camera my hubby bought me that I have no idea how to use. Well, I have been inspired. I have committed myself to learning how to use my camera properly, and I strive to take quality photos like I see out there on these beautiful blogs. So I have ordered a few books, a couple of DVDs, and am taking an online course now. My main interest is macro (close up) food and cake photography. But I hope to improve my picture taking skills overall.
So the other night I dug up a few cookies in my pantry and clicked a few photos, using the new skills I have learned so far. ( Which is not even the tip of the iceberg.) This a huge learning curve.

And a chocolate biscotti close up. I love the crumbs!

So what do you guys think of my cookie pictures?
I got an award !!
Cakes, Kids, and a Lens: This is the blog of my BFF Heather. She blogs about the 3 big loves of her life: her kids, her cakes, and her photography.
Mata Mania: One of my very best friends on the planet, Carla, writes about her beautiful family. I only wish they didn't live so far away.
Amber's Delectable Delights: Amber shares easy and yummy food recipes that every busy family can enjoy, as well as showcasing her gorgeous photos.
GiGi Cakes: Stunning photos and recipes of delicious baked treats. Also the home of The Cake Slice Baking Club.
So that is it! Another obsession. Or two. Like I needed another one right? Thanks a lot, Jacque. (wink)
Tomorrow I am off to see my video production guys to work on our next release. It is not one of the 2 instructional DVDs we are working on. It is a lagniappe project. Hope to have it ready within the next 2 months. Hmmm.... wonder what it could be? Anybody wanna guess?
Happy caking everyone!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Cute Chocolate Cut Out Thingies
Yay for homework!
Two of our readers have sent in their chocolate favor projects, and I am excited to share them with you all.

Now as for the rest of you, get going on your homework projects and send them in! You don't want to end up in confection detention!
Have a great weekend!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Back in the Saddle

Then I scorched my first batch of cream while making the ganache to ice the cake with. After the do-over, I got them iced and let them set overnight to firm up.

From there I just added the swags and the flowers I had made the night before. The cake no longer had a musical theme, but a gal has to do what a gal has to do. The customer loved it, so all is well that ends well.

The filigree type flowers were made with cutters available here:
The trumpet like flowers were made with this petunia set:
The 2 white blossom flowers were made with the all in one rose cutter:
And I used various buttons from this mold for some of the flower centers:

Sunday, September 7, 2008
I Love it to the Core

For as long as I have been around the Internet cake world, it seems that I must be the only caker on the face of the planet that actually likes to use the heating core when baking my layers. Most bakers I know use the rose nail as a heating element in the center of the pans to help them bake evenly. But I did not have much success with those. Once I tried the heating core, I have never looked back.

Fill your pans as usual after they and the core are prepped. Fill the core about half way with batter also.

Bake your cake as usual. The heating core will help the centers of the cake bake more quickly, keeping up with the edges (which bake faster than the middle). So the cake bakes more evenly across, and prevents dried out edges from occurring while waiting for the center to cook fully.

You will get a nice baked up cone of cake in the center. Take the pan out of the oven and let them cool for about 10 minutes (or follow your normal procedure.)

When you are ready to flip your cakes out of the pan, take the core out and set aside.

Then flip your cakes out to cool as you normally do. I suggest leaving the core to cool completely before you take the cake out. If I try to take it out while it is still warm, it breaks and some cake gets stuck in the metal core. To get the cake out of the core, just turn it over and shake really hard and it should pop out.

After your cakes are fully cooled and you are ready to fill your layers, place the core of cake right into the empty hole.

Level your cakes per usual.

You will hardly even be able to tell where the cake plug is. Fill and ice as usual.

Maybe you will choose to try this out. Who knows, I might even recruit a few of you over to the dark side. MWAHAHA.
Happy caking!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Dodged a bullet named Gustav
But we had to go. You have to go if you are in the potential hit zone. Hurricanes are so unpredictable; they can change course on a dime, strengthen or weaken. You just never know what is going to happen until it happens. So you have to go.
My hubby is a hospital administrator, so he always has to stay at the hospital. In the past the boys and I have always gone there with him. But the Katrina experience was so awful, I vowed never to do that again. So for the first time, we separated for evacuation. I had reservations in Point Clear, AL. But by the time we left early Sunday morning, the interstates going east (and west) were shut down due to overloaded traffic. So we went north to the first place that had hotel rooms available. Little Rock. An 8 hour trip that took over 11 hours due to the outpouring of evacuees and contraflow. Bumper to bumper, 5 miles an hour, for nearly the first half of the trip. Not fun.
My oldest son D was truly my hurricane hero. I was so exhausted from having little sleep the 2 nights before I was unable to drive. D took over the wheel and got us there safely. He was truly the man of the family while we were gone. He kept little brother J occupied and happy, got him to eat (a real challenge), and just generally took care of us while we were gone. He again handled the drive home. (I was once again exhausted from lack of sleep the night before. The hotel lost power and we had no A/C, making for a fitful night's sleep.) The drive home was met with nearly non stop heavy rains and wind, but he handled it like a pro. We got a bit punch drunk on the way back. We were stir crazy in the hotel for 3 days (constant rain in LR made it hard to get out and do stuff.) We were repeating the same long drive we had made just 3 days before. So towards the last 3 hours we were rather goofy and delirious. We did coin a new term though:
We got home late last night. Thankfully our house did fine. I lost all my fridge and freezer food, but since I don't cook much, it wasn't much of a loss.(grin). Our wooden fence gate is trashed, and 2 ornamental trees in the back yard were uprooted. But my saddest loss is my iron arched trellis with pink rose vines. I am hoping when hubby gets home we will be able to salvage the plant.