I have missed you all so much, and I am sorry I have been MIA on the blog. Preparing for the Ultimate Cake Off show, during the Christmas holidays, trying to get both the new DVD and website launched, and the chores of daily life took over for a while. It has been a crazy few months for sure. But things are settling down now, and I will be back to posting regularly.
The new Sheet Cake Secrets and Bonus Lagniappe DVDs are ready to ship. Sadly, the new website launched Wednesday for all of 30 minutes before we had to pull it due to a technical problem. I am frustrated and regretful about the delay; but I assure you that the web techies are working on it as we speak. My gut tells me it is going to be a few more days before it is fixed. Please hang tight because I promise the new DVDs will be worth the wait!
AND we are shooting our next DVD this coming Monday! You ask for 'em, we make 'em!
In fact, we are looking for suggestions for topics for our next 2 DVDs. So if you post a suggestion in the comment section here, you will be entered into a drawing for a free gift! I will give away one of the new tools featured in the sheet cake DVDs! Yay! I love give-aways!
So post your ideas and good luck!
In honor of the Saints big Superbowl win (WHO DAT!), and it just ending Mardi Gras season here, I want to share with you these fabulous fleur de lis candies that my talented and awesome sister Barbara made. She made these beautiful baskets as Christmas gifts this year. But fleur de lis are always in style, and always in season!
I would love a video that talked more about cake carving and using rice crispie treats in cake decorating.
Extreme cake structures!!
I agree with Cake Carving and RKT, I would love to see Fondant/Gumpaste Figures, and Flowers.
i would love a video that talked about airbrushing, techniques on using and coloring cakes.
Another great dvd would be extreme cake stuctures
good luck
I like the airbrushing idea...I know you probably don't do a lot of cupcakes, but I always look for cupcake ideas as well.
What about modeling and gumpaste work - flowers, figures, etc.?
The cookies and candies are wonderful! Thanks, as always, for passing along where we can get the supplies, too! On the video...anything gumpaste and more ideas and how-tos for other treats (chocolate, cookies, candies, etc.). You've done some beautiful ones!
A video that features unususal ideas such as fixing lights within cakes and making your own molds to make jewellery, lace etc would be great! I agree with the airbrushing idea too.
I agree with cake carving and rkt. Would also love gumpaste flowers and figures. Anything would be great.
I would love one on flowers, I agree with the other person. I get so frustrated that I end up buying them when I really want to make them myself.
oh these are awesome !
Gumpaste flowers would be great! I know the market is oozing with them, but I personally can't get enough! Also, what about a DVD on the swamp class you did? It would be great if you could bring your classes like that to DVD - especially for those of us too far away to go to an actual class :)
OOh so many things I'd like to learn. I agree with previous posters; carving and airbrushing would be great. I personally would love to see a cupcake/little cakes dvd there doesn't seem to be any of those!
Although there are many out there, some of the DVD prices are ridiculous for making gumpaste flowers. You're such an amazingly detailed teacher - I'd love to see a series of videos on exotic flowers, along with some painting techniques to make them look real -and perhaps some patterns for making your own "cutters" out of mylar.
I agree wth the other posters on cake carving and using rice crispy treats. Gumpaste flowers as well but I would also like to see a dvd on basic sugar work OR geltin flowers.
I would love to see a DVD on Holiday cakes- showing how you made that gorgeous Christmas tree, as well as the pumpkin and mini pumpkin cakes, the Easter basket with the large egg, and even the sand buckets for a summertime theme.
I also love the cake carving and RKT theme.
The other DVD I would love to see is one on how you make all those great chocolate pieces- especially the carousel with horses. And also include how you make all your details like booties, cradles, caps, baseballs, books,etc. Thanks!
Carving Cakes
String Work/ filigree icing work
Using motors and lights in cakes
Thanks for all your hard work with these videos - I love them.
Sorry I forgot one
Petit Fours
Stetching/ drawing up cakes
I'm also curious what the theme of your next DVD is - can't wait. =)
How about a wedding cakes dvd...with things like, how to design wedding cakes, borders, lattice, string work, gumpaste flowers and flower arrangements, draping a cake with fondant, proper doweling of large tiered cakes ummmm...you could have bonus lagniappe on awesome ideas for grooms cakes!!!!
I would love a video on some great gumpaste flowers, and also teaching airbrushing, and cake carving. and I would also like to see a dvd on the swamp thing dvd I agree with mark.
Happy decorating.
I would love a DVD on using sugar veil and the new Cricut Cake. I have watched a few instructional videos on YouTube, but I think you would definitely do a much better job in explaining things.
I would love to see your instructions on air brushing and gumpaste human figure making. Your DVDs are so easy to understand. I particularly love the way you illustrate each and every step with nothing ever condensed or abbreviated. Whatever your next is, I will certainly be there to purchase it.
"Basics of Cake Baking"
I would love to see how to bake a cake properly. How to store cakes, how to freeze and defrost cakes. Properly mixing your batter, preping your pans, baking times and temps, measuring your ingri., etc.
This type of DVD is not out there. So much work goes into cakes, it is such a diaster and waste for a cake to fall apart when the cake was not baked correctly to begin with....
Here's another one
Hi Sharon. How about DVD for decorating miniature cakes and/or cookies. Thanks
I totally agree with mark179 the basics of baking! It is great to know how to decorate and all bit if your base structure is not good then ur in trouble... And I would still buy any of the others too! I LOVE YOUR VIDEOS!!!!
Beautiful baskets. I love anything with Fleur de Lis design.
Sharon, I would love to see a DVD that covers carving techniques. I would also love to see different types of side designs and cake toppers.
I would like to see a DVD on how to do some of your most popular or your favorit cakes that you make. I love to look at the pictures on your site and that would be neat. You could do a romantic cake or holiday cakes things like that. All the other ideas that people said were great too.
I definitely agree on the carved cakes. Also would love to see the gumpaste and/or buttercream flowers. The DVD's are great for being able to see how someone else does things. Helps to give you ideas and allows you to tweak your own creations.
airbrushing :)
There are so many details that go into cake decorating, I'm sure that you could do hundreds of videos on it all! I too would love to see videos about airbrushing, gumpaste/fondant flowers, gelatin flowers, and sugar work. Another idea that I would like to see is how to take a picture of your great cake creations. I have done so many cakes and taken pictures of each one, but the pictures never seem to do the actual cake justice. Your pictures are so beautiful!
Hi Sharon,
How about a combo DVD of airbrushing and stenciling? I would love to learn more about stenciling on cakes. Like how to stencil black royal icing on a white cake. How oh how do you get clean lines and no smuges? How thick should my royal be? How do you stencil around the whole cake with out damaging what you have already done? What's the best way to keep the stencil in place? What if it doesn't lay flat against the cake? I could go on and on....
Thanks for all you do!
I think one that inlcuded some of the finer points of cake decorating - like getting your colors right (wrong color can ruin a cake), presentation (no tinfoil covered boards), and tips that demonstrate why and how your cakes always looks so clean and precise.
Thanks for all you do!
I think I would like to see a video from you (because I have seen books and such)about all the ends and out of how to open your own baker from concept to finish product!
I am soo excited about the new DVD and I can't wait to get it.
However, I would love for a carving 3-D structures dvd or a gumpaste flowers tutorial dvd. Gumpaste flowers are so beautiful and scare me, so I have yet to try them, would love to hear your simple break down and detailed way of doing them.
3D : Cake carving and figure modelling?
I would like a DVD that teaches how to do closed book cakes.
i vote for the airbrushing. i bought an airbrush,but i'm to chicken to use it!! would love a video on airbrushing and/or modeling figures.
I would love to see extreme cake structures, cake boards, stenciling on cakes
I would love to see a DVD on gumpaste flowers, and one on airbrushing too. I loved the airbrushing from your aligator cake and the cherry cake you did for your sister's birthday.
I'd love to see a video on airbrushing, I just got my system and can't find any real useful resources.
How about a video invovling carving a cake, or videos of cakes you've done at your workshops. I love the alligator and fish, but due to scheduling and finances I haven't been able to attend any of your workshops.
I know no matter what you choose it'll be great, and I'll buy it!
Chris--South TX
Carved cakes and Gumpaste flowers would be GREAT!!
I would love to have a DVD devoted to Wedding cakes and as one other person suggested a bonus that features grooms cakes.
Also the basic of baking and giving cakes those absolutely flawless look to them, would be great to have on hand!
Sorry it's me again - If you do a DVD on string work it would be wonderful if you could show us how to do bridgeless extension work.
I would love to see a video for Fantastic Flowers! How to create 1-2 sprays that incorporate 3-4 different types of flowers.
Okay and I'd love a figurine DVD! THAT would be awesome!
I would love to see a video on cake carving and making 3-D cakes.
I would like a DVD on cake toppers. You have wonderful toppers on your cakes, from baby rattles to crowns to initials.
I have enjoyed and learned so much from your DVDs. I used many of your techniques to make an 80th birthday cake today for my mom and her twin sister. It was a hit!
I would love to see gumpaste flowers & figures. Cake carving would be great too!
What ever you shoot regarding the cake, i would go mad for it. Eagerly waiting for them.
Loved the idea on carving and using rice crispie treats but I have to say, I'd really like a DVD on your other goodies such as cookies and choc. Quite honestly I've tried to copy the candy cane sugar cookies you did and they didn't come out at all like yours!! Really frustrated! Or my version of your melted fondant poured on top of the pumpkins. I ended up making such a mess I gave them to my neighbor!
Forgive me if they're in your other dvds (I'm slowly purchasing them all). But I would love to see things like how to apply a fondant ribbon around the middle of a cake. How to safely arrange wire sprays (mine always twist & turn). How to arrange flowers on a wedding cake & also assembling gumpaste flowers into an arrangement on a cake. And airbrushing techniques would be awesome---I hate coloring buttercream & fondant. Other techniques---damask, using patchwork cutters, tappits. And also addressing things like blowouts, cracks in your icing (get mine when stacking), how to fix problems on site, etc. Can't wait for the new DVDs that are in the works
I too like the ideas about using RKT and cake carving. I'd also love to learn/see how to do some of the extension, lace, filigree and overpiping work associated w/the English, Australian and South African styles (this embellished style is so gorgeous!). I also like the ideas of a wedding cake DVD (perhaps using some of the above?), as well as the ideas about using a cricut, mini cakes, and using sugar veil. (whew!) :) I know whatever you do, it'll be GREAT and SUPER helpful! Thanks for ALL you've done for us -- keep those DVDs a-coming!
I just want to say - Good lookin' out! Thanks for the heads up on the cookie molds at Spinning Leaf. Luv that site. I enjoy all of your videos and look forward to whatever you turn out next...
I love your dvd's! I'm pretty sure Im going to buy it reguardless of what it is! my ideas are: wedding cakes, baking basics, and carving. Also, I always want to know what's new in cake decorating, and what tools do you use the very most? Your dvd's have improved my cake skills so much! thankyou!!!
I would love to have a dvd on extreme structures with motors and lights. Because it is awesome.
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