I can't believe a whole year has gone by since I started my little blog. Where has the time gone?
It has been an incredible year for me: blogging, teaching, traveling, making new DVDs..... But the very best part for me is getting to interact with you guys. Corresponding with you, and meeting you when I travel is truly the greatest part of my job.
I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your love and loyalty. And to show my appreciation, SugarEd is going to have a give-away to celebrate the first anniversary of our blog. YAY!!! WOOOOOO HOOOOOO! Cheeers and whistles!!!
We are going to give away a $100 shopping spree at http://www.sugaredproductions.com/
Yes, you read that right! $100!!
To be entered into the drawing, just leave a comment telling your favorite internet blog.
I look forward to what this next year holds; and I hope we continue to provide you with information you enjoy.
Happy 1st Anniversary SugarEd Lagniappe!
Favorite Blog..of course you!! Really though, I really enojoy reading an watching you!! Your videos are awesome!
I love cake blogs! Yours, CakeWrecks, many others, too!
Fav blog. I have quite the list. Yours is included. Cake Wrecks, Bakerella, and much much more.
~~Congrats on your One Year Anniversary! And to many more fun filled adventures and beautiful cakes!~~
Happy Blogiversary Sharon! My fav blog... why yours of course! I also like Bakerella, Bake at 350, the blog done by King Arthur Flour and one called Pop Culture Junk Mail.
My favorite blogs are yours, bakerella, and the frosted cake n' cookie.
Teralyn -
Wow! Thats very generous! I'd have enormous trouble naming just one blog, but I think it would have to be serious eats, for an all round interesting, funny and educational blog about food.
of course, ur's is 1 of my very fav...but i also love Cake Wrecks! ;0)
Sharon, the biggest thrill for me was seeing one of my cakes on your blog. You asked for examples of techniques learned from your DVD's. Mine was the zebra stripe cake. Also meeting you and seeing your demonstration in Alvin. Cool!
But my favorite blog doesn't have anything to do with cakes though. It's Pioneer Woman.
I have so many favorites right now. There is my favorite cake blogs such as yours and cake wrecks, my favorite family types like cjane and nienie, my favorite sewing ones like sommer designs and artsycraftybabe. So many more.
Happy blogiversary!!
I have to admit, when you notified me of your new blog and first started blogging, I didn't have a clue how to blog myself, felt quite intimidated with the entire process, but now I throughly enjoy it. I'm so glad that you were bold enough to start blogging and I can't believe it's been a year already, congrats!
I enjoy all of your blogs; however, I do have a couple of favorites, your blog about how to use icing glaze technique directly on to cookies and/or cakes, love that one, printed it out and have used it several times. Also, your blog about how you made your friends 50th birthday cake, that was an awesome cake and loved the video as well!
I enjoy reading your blog not only for it's educational value, but it's truly entertaining.
Keep up the good work!
I love Cupcakes Take The Cake. I would love to plan a NY trip and do nothing but visit bakeries.
Happy 1 year Blogiversary! I have a few favorites including yours - Bakerella, Hostess With the Mostess and Cake Wrecks as well. Keep on bloggin'!
Happy Blogoversary!! I would LOVEE to win this!! My favorite blog is by far... Cake Wrecks!!!
Happy Blogiversary!
My favorite blogs are yours (of course!), Bakerella, Bake at 350, and Annie's Eats.
I love love love Pioneer Woman! But there is a list I check each morning - it starts with hers, then Cake Wrecks, then YOU!! I love how you use your blog to show not only WHAT you do, but many times, HOW to do it as well. And I also love how you're not afraid to be who you are. I've learned a lot and am really happy to congratulate you on year one of what I hope is many to come!
Yay! Happy Blogiversary! :) My favorites are Yours, CakeWrecks and Steece's Pieces.
Consumerist is my absolute favourite. Comics.com is next and then there are a couple dozen cake/cookie/baking blogs I like. Obviously SugarEd is in that list.
Pick me! Pick me! I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to get some stuff off your site. My favorite cake blog? Definitely yours! I'm just a beginner, and I love that you share you recipes and techniques. Thank you!
Congratulations on your first anniversary! I love CakeWrecks. It's really funny and puts all my cakes on perspective!
Happy 1st Blogiversary! Of course your blog is my fav!! You've done a great job with it...I love the tutorials, the pictures, your adventures, family stuff...
Keep it up!
I love all of your blogs, but my favorite one is the Story of the Cherry Hog. I love to hear stories about family and friends and you seem to have such a wonderful faimly. I know your sister must have really loved her cherry cake, because I thought it was beautiful.
I am a follower of many cake blogs, I love yours (especially ones that show step by step), non cake related I crack up everyday to PW (Pioneer Woman).
Congrats on your one year! Happy Happy Blogiversary!
My favourite blog??? Of course its got to be YOU!!! Happy 1 year Blogiversary Sharon!!!
Sharon, when I first saw your blog, I was so happy and excited, because I knew you would give all of us something amazing!!! Since then I could not wait to see what you come up with next!!
I also have many more blogs in my list, Few are Extra Icing on the cake- Aine2 - another amazing lady!!, Bakerella, My Sweet and Saucy and The frosted cakencookie!
So, Keep up the amazing work, Sharon!
do you REALLY have to ask!?!?! Your's tops my list followed by cakewrecks, The Williams Family Blog (have to check on sweet baby Jonah!), pink cake box and extra icing on the cake and bakerella... but I get THE MOST EXCITED when I see you have a new post on your blog.
Congrats on 1 whole year and I hope you have many many many more to come!!
Of course yours tops the list, but I also love to look at Bakerella"s!!!
My favorite blog...yours of course. I look forward to a new post all the time and I must really thank you for taking time out of your busy day to answer my questions when I email you. I also love, love, love all of your DVD's. Your my cake hero!!!
Happy One Year Blogiversary! My three favorites (oh, have so many!) are yours!, CakeJournal.com, and PinkCakebox.com.
Happy Anniversary!!! My fave blog of course is this one! A close second is Cake Wrecks and Pink Cake Box. Looking forward of many more years of your blog!
Happy Blogiversary and I hope you have many, many more! Your blog is my favorite, as well as Cake Wrecks and Pink Cake Box.
Of course your blog is my favorite! I also enjoy Bakerella, CakeJournal, CakeThat, and Sharing and Caring blog.
Congratulations on the 1 year anniversary! I get so excited when there is content updated on your blog because I know it is always something good.
I love your blog, sugar teachers (Sharing and Caring Cake Decorating and Sugar Art Tutorials), Cake Wrecks, The Pink Cakebox and Market Manila.com
Hi there, and happy anniversary! I have so many fav blogs. Cake blogs, sewing blogs, so many, but yours ranks right up there at the top!
My favorite blog--wow that's a hard one. I love yours, but I think that my favorite would have to the Harold McGee's blog--The Curious Cook
Happy Blogiversary to you... Favorite blog??? Do you have to ask? It's your ofcourse. I'm not sure if you can see when a person looks at your blog but I check it atleast every day if not twice a day!! I love it!!! Can't wait to see what the future brings!!!!
Actual blogs....
A three way tie between Sugared Productions, Bakerella, and Cake Wrecks (yes yes, one track mind).
My favorite blog post of yours?
The time you went to teach some class and got Viva stuck in your friends KA pasta roller :D I laughed so hard at your expressive post!
Congratulations on 1 year! You have taught me so very much :D
Congrats on your blogiversary!
My favorite blogs are: Cake Wrecks(cracks me up every time), Thrifty Decor Chick (great decorating tips/ideas), and of course SugarEd Lagniappe (has most ideas I want to try!).
I don't read many blogs, but the 2 I frequent and love are SugarEd of course and Aine2
My favorite blog is SugarEd Lagniappe. I check it on a daily basis. I have all your dvd's and love watching them. Can't wait to see when your 2010 class will be in Bowling Green, Kentucky.
Sharon, your blog is awsome!!! congratulation on your first year. It has also been a year of learning for all the beginner decorators with your great dvd's you have helped me get my cakes smooth with your buttercream dvd.
I love cake wrecks for the good laugh, I like yours for the good tutorials.
Congratulations...I'm hooked on you & the Pioneer Woman!
Wow I could really use this !! I have many favorite sites, but very favorite belongs to a dear friend who gave up teaching so she could pursue her passion in photography.
Sharon your blog is the bomb!!! I have enjoyed every moment of your blog. Thank you for sharing the amazing world of cakes with us as well as your family. Congratulations, and here's to many more years!
I love so many. Pioneer Woman, Design Sponge, Bakerella, Cake Wrecks, Tickled Pink and Green.
Happy 1st Blogiversary!
I love your blog! I also like Sugar teachers and Cake Wrecks.
Such a tough question to answer--Yours was my very 1st blog and thru yours I have acquired many more favorites!! Now I am blog-ddicted! And it all started with the Flawless Fondant DVD I borrowed from the library! I would love to own it! Would defntly be my 1st purchase with the $100, wink-wink! ;)
Yours is truly my favourite blog. Not only do you make great cakes and give great instructions, you have a great sense of humour! I first read your blog with Cherry Hog, and have been hooked ever since :)
and oh yeah...Happy anniversary! <3
Yours is the only blog I follow, so guess whose blog is my favorite? ;) Happy 1st Blogiversary, cheers to many more!
My favorite Blog was Remy Stirs the Pot. It didn't even look like a cake it was so cool I had to look at every detail to see how you did it. That was truly a master piece. The little mouse was so cutie. lol
SugarEd- is one of my favorites, I love that you share your talent, your family and most of all your time with us, Thank you for your generosity ;)
Yours is the only one I check faithly. When I am on your site then I may click on the links you provide.
Congrats on your blogiversary!
WOW! That year just flew by,Yours is for sure one of my top blogs! I also love sweetTopia an frosted cake n cookie.
Cant wait to see what you surprise us with in this next year!
Thanks for sharing!!
Yours of course is my favorite. I enjoy your cakes, advice and videos. I always look foward to seeing your family. The boys have grown over the past year. I am speaking on behalf of all your fans. We feel like we know your family on a personal level and I like that from you. Can't wait to see what the next years bring to us; maybe grandchildren. hehehe
Good Luck and God Speed
Some of my fave blogs are Bakerella, CakeWrecks and Princess Lasertron.
ooohhhh...."blog"...okay, I was thinking about your Lagniappe's you send out and was all eager to report that my all time fav was the one with the pic of the cake your son made you and how you just oozed with pride and love for him and his accomplishment in making it. I'm a mommy of two sons and identified so deeply with it that I cried. Okay, so, fav "blog"....hmmmm
Jennifer R. in La Verne CA
Baker's Banter (a King Arthur Flour affiliate) has THE best tutorials and pictures.
Your blog and dvd are excellent as well.
Happy Birthday SugarEd Lagniappe!
A couple of my favorites (because there are way too many to list) are SugarEd, Bakerella and Building A Bakery.
Thanks for all the inspiration and great videos, I look forward to the next full of great stuff!
My favorite internet blog is about the everyday life and trials of a family who has a 4 year old daughter who has had multiple brain surgeries due to a disease...it is very inspiring, and real...here's a link if interested:
Of course your!! I also like cakejournal and bakerella. Congratulations on your 1 yr anniversary!!
The only one I am subscribed to, yours. I love your work and your videos. I just hope one day I get to become as good of a cake decorator as you are. Thanks!
Favorite blog?...There are blogs other than yours? Seriously I have never followed a blog until I did a google search for a doberge cake recipe and came across your fauxberge cake! Happy blogiversary and please continue to be an inspiration to all of us!
Congrats on your blogivesary. You are my favorite blog. My other fave is Extra Icing with Lorraine McKay.
Besides your blog I always visit and just love thefrostedcakencookie.blogspot.com She does toppers for cupcakes or cakes out of fondant and they are amazing. She puts a new one on each Tuesday normally.
Andrea Saunders
When I first read the post I thought I was supposed to comment about my favorite post on YOUR blog, not favorite blog site - oops! (I'm sort of scatterbrained like that) I was going to put I loved the one about your sister and the cherries and the cake you made that looked like a cherry! Um....I do have to confess that your blog is tied with Anne Heap's Pink Cake Box blog for my fav though. You both do fantastic work - so flawless - and are great ladies! You are funnier though! ;-)
Congratulations on your One Year Blogiversary!!! Wow, time really does fly. I wish you all the best with your future endeavors my friend. Your blog is the only one that I subscribe to and read every time. However, I am also a fan of CakeWrecks and of course dear H's blog. I just wish I remembered to check them more often!
Wishing you all the best!
The other H
Ok...I know...it's going to sound like I'm sucking up, but your blog really is my favorite...lol You have your very own folder in my email. I will go back hunting through them from time to time. I think you have a link to The sugarteachers blogspot and they have some great info too. But, you're stuck with this Gatorette who is soon to be a pumpkin eater??? Chuckle... If you think this year has been something, just see what the next one will bring. Rock on Sister! :D
Yours is one of my favorites along with Cake Wrecks and Pioneer Woman.
Happy Blogiversary, Sharon!
Yours is my very favorite!
Keep on blogging!
I've been reading Piehole (http://www.liscious.net/piehole/) for years...
Happy 1 year anniversary! I can honestly say that your blog is the only blog that I read. It's so nice to come home from a long day at work and read about cake...puts a smile on my face.
-Connie L.
Of course, I love your blog but there is one other that a good friend of mine does. It's called mmmcrafts. It's a craft blog but she uses the neatest fabrics that would make some fabulous cakes!
Favorite blogs...SugarEd Lagniappe, Pioneer Woman, Slug-A-Bed
Happy Anniversary Sharon!! Whoo hoo! It takes a lot of hard work to make it to one year. Congrats.
My favorite blog is anything to do with cake...your cakes are fabulous. I also like Cupcakes Take the Cake.
CONGRATS on your 1 year blog anniversary. My favorite, yours...I never knew anything about blogs till you got yours.
So I took the 1st. step and got a blogger account because of your blog. Now, thats about all I have done, because I still don't have any idea what to do with a blog, lol.
I do enjoy checking out Bakerella and Cake Wrecks when I can...but yours is the one I check out the most.
Thanks so very much for the sharing of tips, recipes, how to's, the funny stories, the pictures, your family & friends and your cakes. You have help me to become better then I ever thought I could in cake decorating.
I wish you nothing but the very best in the future. As we say here in my neck of the woods "Your Good People!".
I like yours. I love to see new techniques which you show. Have two of your dvds and hope to get more soon. I would love to see you do another dvd with an ephasis on buttercream.
Congratulations on your 1st Blogiversary! Wishing much success and happiness in the future. Oh and a bunch of diet cokes too! And.... this is by far the most entertaining blog to read - you are amazing!
Cakewrecks is definately one of my faves! It's so different to all the others and hilarious!
Happy First Blogiversary! I love your blog, been reading it quite a while but never registered to get email updates till recently. You are so generous with your skill and knowledge. I can't express how much that means to me. Thanks so much! And here's to many more Blogiversaries to come! :raises glass:
My favorite blog have been your cake wrecks! Until then, I was convinced you were some kind of cake robot!! =) It is nice to see that the most perfect cake decoraters have bad days to. Your cakes are ridiculous!! I mean that in the most amazing possible way!! Thank you for all of your help.
Take Care
I love all your blogs, I check it daily. I really enjoy the personal blogs and getting to know you better through them. But I always love the tutorials and instructions you can give us! The My Favorite Things blog I refer back to all the time.
Wow! How generous! I currently have four favorites – yours, Ambers Delectable Delights, Sew-Mama-Sew, & Jenna Lou Loves You! Thank you Sharon for everything, especially opening my eyes to the world of cake decorating & blogging - I’ve been following your blog from your very first post!
Well, obviously I love YOUR blog! I've learned so much from you through just the blog! I would LOVE to win the $100 prize and get some DVD's!!! Other blogs I also like are Bakerella, CakeWrecks, and The Pioneer Woman.
Yours of course! Can't wait to see you on tv;) Bakerella and love cake wrecks!
i heart your blog!
Favorite Blog: "Owen and the Gipper". It was so touching to see how the effort was made to make such a special cake highlighting Owen's interests and passions. I was teary-eyed as I read the blog and saw the pictures leading up to the masterpiece. Keep the masterpieces coming!
I think my favorite things are of course the tutorials and hearing about your family. I can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve next!!! I forgot my password to post here but this id Donnag :(
Happy Blogiversary!!!
OMG - I absolutely love your blog Sharon. You provide us with so much cake information, you share family times with us and your Cake Art Work is absolutely AWESOME!! I do like all and any cake/pastry blogs but honestly your blog is the only blog I read on a daily basis.
Wow... congratulations on your 1 year! And thank you for the amazing opportunity to win the shopping spree. I'm just getting into Cake Decorating, so I don't have that many blogs to choose from. :-O However, there are 2 that I find myself at all the time: Wilton, and Pink Cake Box. :-D
Really? A whole year already? Happy Blogiversary!!! I love SugarEd and have learned so much from you and I look forward to the lessons to come throughout the next year from SugarEd Productions!
Well I love all cake blogs including yours, bakerella, cake journal, cake wrecks! The are informative and fun!
Of course YOURS!!!! But in addition, I would pick Bakerella and cakespy.
Thank you so much.... I have visions of DVD's in my future!
Happy Blog-iversary Sharon! I've only been following your blog for about 2 months but I love it.
Right now my favorite blog is (apologies to anyone if this offends but I didn't name it) "f**k yeah cupcakes." I swear that's the name. The thing is, there are some really cool cupcake pics on there. Some I'd never heard of before. Anyway, thanks.
Favorite Blogs: Yours, Cake Central and The Pioneer Woman
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary! You and Wilbur need to go out on the town for a diet coke and some M&M's!!
Ok, maybe Im just blond here, but I must of misunderstoond the question. When your telling us to give you our favorite blog, are you asking for a favorite company/person's blog or a favorite entry of yours?
I have to say I dont read any other blog but yours. I still say you need to write a book because you crack me up! My favorite entry is a toss up between the one when you took the pictures at the zoo (the gorilla was awesome) or the one when you did the birthday cake that had the pop up hat and it telling your nephew Happy Birthday from Reagan!
Either way, I look forward to your blogs, they really make my day!
Keep'on blogging!
Happy Blogiversary Sharon! My favorite blogs are of course yours, Cake Journal and Bakerella.
Congratulations and once again Happy Blogiversary. I wish you many more.
Although I love your blog, Happy Blogiversary by the way, my favorite would have to be The Pioneer Woman.
My favorite and only blog is yours. I find it so interesting and I learn so much from it. Thank you again for everything you do.
Roselyn Llanos-Robles
Of course, yours is my favorite blog!
well what other blogs are there? I'm goin with the article in your blog that featured the hot chick from Brooklyn schooling you on how to dip cookies for the holidays :)
Happy Blogiversary Shack! Loves Ya
Of course, SugarEd Lagniappe is my favorite blog!!
Woohoo I got in! It is tough when you forget your password.
I think my favorite things are of course the tutorials and hearing about your family. I can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve next!!!
I love all cake blogs but Cake Wrecks is probably my fav.
Yours of course, love CakeWrecks, and so many other cake related blogs that inform me, inspire me, and entertain me!
I read most of the popular cake blogs too but I love to find some of the lesser knowns that have great new ideas. I have been looking a lot at cupcakes blogs lately and here is one of my favs: http://smallthingsiced.blogspot.com/
Of course your blog is my favorite. I also follow Cakejournal, Pink Cake Box and Bakerella. Happy Anniversary!!!
other then your blog, i frequently read, Cakejournal, Bakerella and cakewrecks. The list goes on but those are my top favs. congrats on your one year!!
There are three blog that I check every day before I go to work, one is yours and the other is 'Cake Journal' and 'Sharing and Caring' no need for any other! and when a give my classes I always send my students to this three websides. I am a Wilton instructor, so this blogs are always full of inspiration and great advices.
Sharon,of course your blog is one of my very favorites. I look foward to reading and seeing your techniques, pictures and stories. You inspire me to try to decorate beautiful cakes like yours. I'm truely a fan! Would love to win so I can purchase your DVD's.
I love all the instructional bloggs. You may not fully realize what that means to decorators like myself that are in an area that is not located close enough to take a lot of classes. I also work full time and it is very hard to take off to travel for class but the blogg I really liked was the family photo's isn't God good to us!!!!
What can I say I love them all – but especially the ones where you shows the step by step processes and then when you teach a little “lagniappe”
I love blogs ~ cake blogs, cookie blogs, pastry blogs, but I really love yours most of all (Cake Wrecks is most definitely a close second!)
Congrats on One Year!!!!
Yours is Best Cake Blog on the web. I also love FlourConfections , CakeWrecks & Sugar Cove. Oh what naughty things I would do for a Shopping Spree at SugarEd! Wheeeeee! -VikTheChef
WOW!!! 1 year!!! My favorite blog is yours. I check this site daily just to see whats new. I also like Cake Wrecks, OurBestBites and the Frosted Cake and Cookie Blogs, Bakerella and Cupcakes takes the cake blog. But Yours is always so informative. I can't wait til another DVD comes out. I am addicted to those DVD's.
My favorite and the best are the ones that teach. There is always something out there to learn.
Along with yours, I absolutely love Cake Wrecks! and Bakerella, too. And after reading some of these other comments it looks like I have a few more to check out.
Woo Hoo!!! You know what a cake decorator can do with 100 dollars from SugarEd???! I'd love to win! My favorite blog is one that I've followed for a while: Pink Cake Box. Oh and o yea... Sharon Zambito's Sugar Ed Blog! Congrats on your Blogiversary.
-Rafael :)
I love this idea of naming favorite cake blogs! I've seen several in the comments that I will have to check out!
I love this blog, cake wrecks, and Pink Cake Wedding Box.
Happy Blogiversary!
I have quite a few favorite blogs like cake wrecks but I do have to say that my most favorite blog is Thrifty Decor Chick. She has such wonderful ideas on organization, interior decorating on a budget, just overall making your house beautiful inside and out. This woman must have a huge and beautiful house.
tkglenn2002 at yahoo dot com
Gina said....I love ALL cake blogs, especially yours.....I am just a beginner at cake baking. I really love all your tutorials. Congrats on your blogiversary.
Happy BA !
I love you blog and follow it regularly I also enjoy the frostedcakencookie and cake journal to name just a couple. I love blogs about cakes, cupcake you name it !
Keep on blogging! Your fans love you !
I look forward to each blog entry you make. It is always highlight, no matter if its about a new cake you have done or stuff involving your family. You make everyone reading feel part of your family circle and it is just a treat. I look forward to another year. I wish I could go to one of your classes, so maybe this will be the year for me to meet you. Best of Luck.
Yours for sure and Pink Cake Box.
Hi Sharon, Well of course I love your blog I am a regular follower! But I also like cakewrecks, they crack me up! I also like Sharing and Caring, Cake Decorating and Sugar Art Turorials! Thanks for a great year with blogs.
Happy Anniversary, Sharon! My favorite blog is The Story of the Cherry Hog. I laughed and laughed, because my sister and I share happy memories just like those of you and your sisters. I love your sense of humor, and that you share it with us. Thanks, too, for your DVDs. They are fantastic as are you!
Why yours, of course! I also love Bakerella. Thanks for all that you share with us!!! Happy Anniversary!
I LOVE your blog! Every time I see a new post, it's the first thing I go to! Happy Anniversary!
Happy 1st Anniversary! I love your blog and look forward to it. I especially loved when you shared the photos of your beautiful family. They were fabulous! Thank you for taking the time from your busy schedule to write the blog.
THis is my favorite cake blog and my favorite scrapbook blog is beckyhiggins.com. THanks for the great website & blog! Have an awesome day!
My favorite Sugarshack blog was one in May, titled "The Most Beautiful Cake I Have Ever Seen." Sharon, I guess you would know why I would choose this one. Your son, J, made you an awesome cake! With two tiers! Very impressive and very sweet! Love that one!
Your cake blog and cake wrecks (which I learned about through your blog) are definitely the two that I love the most and check on frequently.
Happy Blogiversary! I have just started blogging and following blogs. Your blog was one of the first ones I started following. I love Lynn's Kitchen Adventures.
Favorite Blog?! Wow, that really hard to choose. I like the Cake Wrecks Blog, I like SugarEd Lagniappe, and I also like (although I dont really know if it is considered a blog) the Daring Bakers! You introduced them to us way back in January, I think. I just LOVE seeing those new recipes! Thanks for all that you do Sharon, although I havent quite figured out yet, how you manage to do it all.
Happy Anniversary & God Bless you.
Your blog & Aine2's blog are my favorites. You both have such a wonderful sense of humor & you are so warm hearted. I also enjoy Cake Journal. My favorite blog of yours is the Magnolia cake & the family pictures, I also had a good laugh at the 'Cherry" one.All the best for the future.
Happy Blogiversary!! Your blog is my favorite, of course. Thanks so much for the great lagniappe. All us wantabees are forever grateful.
Some close seconds are cake wrecks, pink box, & bakerella.
Favorite Blog....geeze where to begin, first and foremost I love your blog. Because of you I've learned so much from the blog, from nifty techniques to just being courageous enough to try new stuff. As a matter of fact because of such inspiration I've started my own blog @ www.sweets-n-cookies.blogspot.com. You are an amazing woman Sharon Zambito, I can't wait to see what else is in store for you!
Much Luv...Chris!
I visit daily...can't believe I've been doing that for 365 days!!!! Congrats on your b-day and I hope I'm the winner of that $100...my list is LOOOONNNGG!!!!!
Every morning before going to work I always check three blogs, yours, "Cake Journal" and "Sharing and Caring" they are the best!!
Evert morning before going to work the only blogs I check are yours, and "Cake Journals" and "Sharing and Caring", they are the best!
Every morning before going to work, the only blogs I check are yours, "Cake Journal" and "Sharing and Caring", they are the best!
Happy 1st Blogiversary!!
My fave blogs are all cake-related since I am new to cake decorating (only been doing it for about 3-4 months). My fave are CakeJournal, CakeWrecks, & yours of course. I just found out about them recently and hoping that I could bought your instructions DVD someday. It looks awesome.
Congratulations on the anniversary! My favorite blog would have to be Cake Wrecks. I just recently found yours, though, and I do like it!
I laughed watching Julie & Julia as Julie connected with her inner Julia as she cooked and blogged about it!! I sat there thinking, now what baking cook book could I bake through!! I totally love your blog, Pink Cake Box, Sweet Treats on Flicker and maggieholmesphotography.com. Cakes and photography are my two loves in life (other than my family!!) Congrats on a year with your blog!! Thanks for dedicating so much time and effort to your productions!!
First and for most, Happy Blogiversary! I can't pick just one blog as my favorite as there's a list that I check each morning. Those included are of course yours, Cake Wrecks, Pioneer Woman, Bakerella, The Frosted Cake 'n Cookie (on Tuesdays), and The Cookie Mama.
Happy Birthday to you and MANY more! I love your blog because of it not only very informative, but witty and well written!!!! :)
sharon - you are truly a cake angel (i've said it before and i'll say it again). i don't know how many times you and your techniques have saved me from certain cake disaster.
to be honest, i don't really have another favorite blog except yours. my favorite blog of yours, though, was when you shared your family with us. it's nice to be able to get to know you and those you love to get a better understanding of who you are.
you are a blessing to so many and i can tell you are also blessed. keep up the good work!
Happy Blogiversary! My blog of choice is SugarEd. I don't want to miss a thing! You are extremely kind and sharing with your talent and knowledge and I appreciate that very much.
yours and cakewrecks! thats it! my favorites!
It would be a tie between your blog and Bakerella. Congrats on the anniversary!
My favorite blog is yours. But I also love pinkcakebox!! I hope I win woo hoo!!!!
Happy Blogiversary! I don't have a ton of time to read many blogs,so I only check my faves...YOURS, bakerella, and pioneer woman.
I can't thank you enough for your blog, videos, and helping heart! I have learned so much from you. I started decorating cakes just about a year ago, and have really improved thanks to you!
I have the 2 DVD's I need to complete my collection on my Christmas list already (and have shown DH and other family members several times which ones I want!!)
I really appreciate your blog! I also love the nesting place and the deal scoop!
Your blog is my favorite blog! Happy anniversary!
(I love this blog!)
Congrats, Sharon! There are so many good blogs it's hard to decide. My favorites would have to be Yours, Cake Wrecks, and Bakerella, like so many others.
Jen Heckman
.thanks from the bottom of my heart, your blog and video's have taught me so much. for many years i hoped there would be a intrest in cake decorating so me a self taught decorator could grow more. thanks again for all you've done
I like the King Arthur blog because of all the great baking tips. I like your blog for cake ideas and pics and Cake Journal too.
Happy Blogiversary!!!!
I would have to say that your blog, mysweetandsaucy, cakewrecks, and bakerella are among my top favorites... but the problem is I keep finding more and more to keep track of.. lol :)
Congrats, again on a wonderful first year of blogging!
Congrats on your Blog Birthday! (they grow up so fast, don't they?) Cake Wrecks is my daily dose of guilty pleasure, so I'll have to vote for it! Keep up the amazing work! You are such an inspiration! Thanks!
Happy Blogiversary! Thanks for all your inspiration and great videos! You're my favorite blog about confectionery delights. I also make paper crafts and have some favorites in that area.
Favorite blog would be any cake you do...I love looking at new cake designs. The other would have to be when you showed us how you attempt to organize everything. It was nice to see that I'm not only one who attempts to keep my house beautiful looking on the outside, but open a pantry door and as hard as I try it still looks crazy unorganized. Jayni Palmer Okie RN
Yours is the 1st one I open!! I like Bakerella, Pink Cake Box, Cake Journal, cakelava, cake wrecks, Simply Sweets. Happy blogiversary!!
Why, yours of course!
Yours, of course, Pioneer Woman, Bakerella and Cake Wrecks are some of my favorite cake blogs.
My Favorite blog is SugarEd Lagniappe and it is also the only blog I follow. I love you Sharon and wish you many more years.
Thanks for everything.
My favorite blog has to be CakeWrecks! It's the one blog that I check every day or two jsut to see what's going on...
You take the cake! Seriously, I have learned so much from your blog and videos! I am so grateful! Teach us how to make a Peony!! When will you teach a class in Miami, FL?
I have a few favorites. Other than yours, I also enjoy reading Bakerella, Sweetopia and Cake Journal. They share fresh and creative ideas to make sweets look more fun. I also love how they provide step by step pictures from start to finish. Oh and I also love the photography that comes with it.
Hands down, Sharon, your blog rocks! The tutorials, advice, and encouragement are priceless. For a good belly-laugh, Cakewrecks is a must-read. Bakerella always has nifty gadget advice. So many great blogs out there for us cakers! BTW, Happy Blogiversary!
Congratulations, Sharon! That is awesome! Hard to believe it's been a year. Your blog is beautiful and inspiring, as in all things you do.
My favorite blog? seems like it changes every day. Right now I'm intrigued by a totally non-food blog called theuniformproject.com. A girl is wearing the same dress (style anyway) every day for a year and making it look different by accessorizing and layering. I don't look as good as she does any day of the year, LOL. She's raising money and using it to help educate kids in India. Food related favorites are foodgawker.com, http://lacasserolecarree.blogspot.com (you can click a flag button to translate to English) and http://foodlibrarian.blogspot.com/... gosh there are too many to list.
Thanks for hosting a giveaway and here's to another year of sugared!
I loved the story of your sons Uncle Sam cake. He did a great job, and had a great teacher!
Why, Sharon, you have the best blog
around. You do a wonderful job with good stories and very useful information. Keep up the great work.
God bless.
Valeria Salivonchik
Maybe you won't belive it but I just check yours. I love all your works. I am not into the blog thing, but after reading all the comments here I better start searching more about it. But I am preatty sure you always will be number 1. Thank you for all your hard work. XOXO Itala.
Blogs...what a great discovery. A few of my favs are Bakerella, yours, Cake Wrecks and many sugar artists around the world.
Hi' Sharon
I have to say my favorite blog is yours, Really I love your blog I have had the chance to see a few others, but yours is the only one that really interests me, you are so helpful and give so much detailed information, and step by step info, I am always on here just like I am on Cake Central I am addicted to you two, I have a few things left to purchase, right from your sight then I will have everything that you sell then I will be set, then I can really start putting your videos to work not that I don't already, I hope to meet you some day and thanks for sending my children that authographed letter they were very excited, keep doing what you do and we will keep learning you are a great Teacher
Happy Aniversary or should I say Blogiversary!
OMGoodness! Happy Anniversary. I am totally new to blogging. Actually, I can prob count on one hand how many I've been on. Scary. I just started reading yours and its awesome. My fav so far. It may be as addicting as CCentral. WOW! I glimpsed ur link to pioneer woman..another wow. But so far, i've been reading urs for....hmmm...lost track of the hours. thanks for sharing. Please consider me for your gift certificate.
Of course you are #1 but after you is Bakerella. Cake pops are to cute!
Happy Anniversary Ms. Sharon. My favorite blog? Now that's a hard question. I go to so many, I love to blog hop, but truth be told, your blog is the only one I subscribe to. I look forward to getting your emails in my inbox so SugarEd's blog is my all time fav.
Thanks for sharing all your techniques and talents with us.
Happy Anniversary Sharon; I look forward to many more years of your blogging. My favorites sites are yours (of course) and Cake Journal. Pick me, Pick me :D.
Besides yours? Pioneer Woman!
I have a lot of favorite blogs. I love your blog, bakerella, and others.
This is going to sound crazy but I love my blog! It has beautiful pictures of my daughter and is a daily reminder of the wonderful family I have. I also LOVE your blog! You are awesome!
I especially loved your blog about the Cherry cake you made for your sister. The cake was awesome and the story is just priceless! And so are you, Ms. Z! I don't know much about blogging, but my other favorite is Bakerella. Congrats on your 1 yr Blogiversary and your continuing success!
congratulations sharon!!! my fave blogs are yours and cakewrecks.
Gotta Love your blog and all your amazing cakes, suggestions, advice and pictures! Hope I'm not to late to throw my name into the hat for a $100 drawing for Sugaredproductions.com. Congrats on your one year Blogiversary!! My favorite food blogs have got to be yours, Bakerella, Pink Cake Box, Culinary in the Country and a few others the list keeps going. But I do love reading yours! Can't wait to meet you one day at an ICES Convention, maybe Charlotte 2011 :-) Take care!
Hypebeast because it is a great accomodation to my life.
WOW.. to leave just one is just not nice to ask..lol
ok, so I have to say that I had the greatest laugh today sitting here at my desk reading your latest blog "Swamp Thing class photos" It shows how much you are dedicated to your love of teaching and what you do...but the FUNNIEST thing BY FAR is that LONG story about why your hair looked like it did...LMAO !
Sharon, that just made me pee in my pants ( ok ok not literally).
Thanks for the great laughs and inspiration!
Sharon, I don't think I have a favorite. Your a GREAT teacher. I have learned so much from you. I love reading your stories. You make me laugh. I have most of your videos however, I look forward to taking one of your classes some day.
Betty S
I absolutely love your blog! I love all the cakes that you show us as well as others who are inspired by your cakes. YOU are gem! Always so giving with your help and such wonderful tips! I also like CakeWrecks too!
Happy blogiversary!
Aside from yours, my favorite blog is The Pioneer Woman, then Bakerella, and Cake Wrecks.
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