Raise your hand if you love princess cakes. Yes, yes, I see a lot of hands going up! We love princess cakes! And our customers do too!

When I say Princess, you say Cakes.....
Me: Princess
Me: Princess
You: Cakes!
Me: Princess
You: Cakes!

OK, so I get a little excited about cake. And princess cakes have been a very popular design for a few years now. I have made more than I can count. I get asked quite often how I make the gumpaste crowns, so here are some step by step pictures I took many years ago. The pictures are rather craptastic, due to the fact that I had a craptastic camera at the time, and had no idea how to take a good picture back then. But I think you can get the idea of what I am doing in them. (PS. Craptastic = if crap was fantastic, this would be it)
Paper template:

Cut the metal rim off one end of your can (like a shortening can; I use the gumpaste mix can):

Wrap parchment paper (or wax paper) around your can and tape it in place. The end with the metal lid still on goes down on the counter:

Tape parchment or wax paper down well on counter (you do not need the blue mat under it) and grease it well with shortening:

Roll out gumpaste onto the wax paper and lay the paper template over it and trace over it to cut out the crown shape:

Apply shortening to the surface of the cut out crown with a brush:

Cut the wax paper with a knife along the bottom edge of the crown, and proceed to cut out the rest of a rectangle around the crown. Do not cut out the wax paper along the exact shape of the crown, except along the bottom edge:

Take the can and roll it onto the crown, lining up the base of can with the bottom edge of the crown. The greased side of the crown is sticking to the parchment paper wrapped around the can:

After crown is in place, wrapped all the way around the can, stand it up. Wax paper is still in place on top of the crown:

Gently peel off the wax paper from the top side of the crown. The side of the crown that was face down on the counter, touching the wax paper, is now the upside of the crown and exposed to the air:

Let that sit and dry for 1-2 days. Do not rush it or you will surely break it. (Ask me how I know):

When the crown is dry enough to hold its shape, grab the top of the parchment paper extending above the can and gently slide all of it together off the can:

Sit that on a board and then gently peel the parchment paper off of the inside of the crown:

Let that sit and dry for a few more days. When the crown is really firm you may need to wipe the excess shortening off the inside of the crown, and then dust it with a tad of cornstarch:

When fully dry, you can airbrush or paint it silver or gold. (This photo below is a lie. I was not actually airbrushing it at this time because I had to hold the airbrush with my left hand while my right hand took the picture. Impressive, eh?):

Pretty easy but you have to plan a few days ahead at least. Make 2, because if you make only one I guarantee you will break it. (Ask me how I know.) I like to use the Wilton gumpaste mix in the can for these because it not very elastic and rubbery, and that cuts easier than other types I have tried.
Here is a template for the crowns shown above. This is only one half of the crown. And you will have to enlarge this template to the right size for your cake:
Here is another template, the first one I ever made, an older design:

So there you have it! Now go get to making crowns!
Lots of crowns! All kinds of crowns!
Happy crowning!
I'll bet you were a really good kid! How do I know??? You share EVERYTHING! Thanks so much for the step by step tutorial. Again, you give all the details to help even the instruction impaired a shot at success. :) I was able to open the first template but the second one wouldn't open. Would you check that link? Thanks again!
Sounds like another SugarEd homework assignment! hehehe
I think it's great that you remember to take step-by-step photos! I always wish I would have. The pictures are clear enough that we get the idea. Thanks so much for sharing them!!
I love Princess cakes!!!!
You are such fun! Your instructions are great! Thanks so much.
Well, still practicing the Buttercream Video! First cake good but, I think I can do better. EVERYONE loves this buttercream! And it's easy to work with too! I'm going to try the crown! I'm having alot of fun! Really enjoy your videos and blog! Thanks!!
This is the best written tutorial ever! Your directions are perfectly described that I feel like I can actually do this! And the end result is so adorable - THANK YOU!
Thank You Sharon! for sharing this with all of us. Your details and photos are OUTSTANDING! I now see why your crowns always look so neat and clean. You rock!
What an amazing set of instructions!!! Even though I would probably never again have a princess cake, when I have little girls, I will definitely get myself.. err.. I mean them princess cakes! Beautifully executed!
What a fantastic tutorial! Of course I have 2 girls and I'll be visiting your site often from now on! Thanks for visiting my site and commenting because now I know about your blog! it's great!
Oh, I just so love this!! I need to find a little princess to make this for:)
Thanks so much for the step by step instructions on making gumpaste crowns, can't wait to try it out. FYI, the second template would not open. Thanks so much, you're the best!
Thank you for the instrctions! I need to find a princess to make one for too.
Vicki :)
Thank you for the great instrutions. I always wanted to take my princess cakes to the next level, and now I can because I now know how to make a edible crown. Now it's time to try it out.
Your princess cakes are truly fit for a Princess! Can you believe I've only made one in my life?
wow this is great . your creations are so so nice :-)
Thanks so much for sharing your techniques! I love learning from you! Can't wait to try this out!
Can you tell me how thick you should roll the fondant?
Thanks for the tutorial. Beautiful cake, great idea.
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